Predictive Analytics in Pharmaceutical Marketing
Using predictive analytics, we form closer connections with patients and professionals, pulling in all elements of data to grow pharmaceutical brands.
The Future of the Physician-Patient Dialogue
Physicians used to be the sole source of medical information for their patients. Today, however, patients are increasingly searching the internet first for health information. Even though smartphones, tablets and other digital devices have made it possible to research conditions online, most patients still revere their healthcare providers. What is changing is the dynamic of […]
Building a storytelling foundation in the healthcare space
In 2014, I was asked to read Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die, published in 2007. In digital marketing terms, seven years is an eternity and I immediately dismissed it as dated. Useless. History. Reluctantly, I read the book. And I was changed forever. In the book, the authors discuss the […]
Reaching Hard-to-Reach Patients
Pharmaceutical marketers who develop treatments for rare diseases are often challenged to find and reach patients because of the small number of sufferers. Mass-market media vehicles aren’t targeted enough to reach a smaller audience without excessive waste, and they may miss the target audience entirely. However, patient opinion leaders can help marketers educate these […]
New Life For Late in Life Cycle Products
I recently had the opportunity to hear a speech by a famous author and life coach about how to gracefully move through each decade of life. Her talk, full of humor and sage advice, advised the assembled group to take some time to “stop and reflect” before entering the next decade of life. As healthcare […]
Patient Centricity: The Path Forward for Healthcare Companies
Few would argue that the U.S. healthcare industry has witnessed unprecedented change over the past few years. From new legislation, mergers, an increasingly competitive pharmaceutical environment, rising costs and premiums, and consumers’ new role in making their own health decisions, healthcare has seen its fair share of evolution and tumult. And with those changes come […]
Healthcare, Trust and the Power of Influencer Marketing
Online environments have gotten to the point where they’re able to influence just about every area of our lives, even the most personal ones, such as our health. With vast amounts of information at our fingertips, it’s important – as consumers – that we get the information we need from sources we trust. These sources […]